Ein Vermächtnis der Exzellenz

Unser Name; Dyaco ist ein Symbol für Hingabe, Innovation und eine unermüdliche Leidenschaft für Fitness. Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung stehen wir an vorderster Front, wenn es darum geht, die Fitnesslandschaft weltweit zu revolutionieren.

What do we do?

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We don’t product push. We take on board your goals and make them our own.
We’ve been operators, kit suppliers and end customers. We know the market and can offer support in any area of your facility production.
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Each and every operator has a budget. It can be significant to outfit an entire facility, or it may require a leaner, more cost-effective solution to add value to existing premises. Whatever your budget, we will maximise it. We make sure we take the time to understand your footprint and desired outcome, then work to deliver the best possible kit solution to enhance the user experience for members.
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Offer Unique Equipment Selection

Explore our brands
By utilising our robust group supply chain and 40 years of market networks, we have a unique ability to help you attain the right products for your facility and can advise without being tied into a singular brand or budget bracket. Our product variance can accommodate any gym type or function to deliver the best quality for your members.
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Aftercare and Service

How we maintain your facility
Our aftercare solution, Fault Fixers, isa direct portal to our amazing service team. You can simply photograph any kit related issues and upload them to your Fault Fixers account. We will pick it up at our customer service centre and arrange for a 48hr solution, so your kit can be backup and running with minimal disruption to you and your members. All of this comes as standard when you come onboard with us at Dyaco, so there’s no hidden costs.

How do we do it?

Our unique positioning as a highly experienced and agile brand, delivers previously hidden value to our customers. As part of the Dyaco® International family, we have short lead times and are extremely price competitive due to our Group owned factory manufacturing processes, keeping our focus on delivering the very best in customer-centric service.

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